Saturday, July 10, 2010

maizie's dresser, and things that maizie is doing

we had been looking for a dresser for maizie for a long time. we finally found one on craigslist a couple of months ago. and i finally got around to painting it a couple of weeks ago. i decided that i wanted the body of it to be a dark purple, and the drawers to be hot pink. i also bought some new hardware for the drawers. on the 26th of june i finally got tired of it just sitting around waiting to be painted. i had adam drag the dresser out to the garage and we got started. it was pretty hot that day so it made it feel like it was taking forever. the purple only took 2 coats of paint but the drawers took 5!! yes, 5 coats. which i believe is lame, but worth the effort so i will stop complaining. here are the before and after pictures:

maizie has learned to roll over! i have to admit that i was getting a little worried because before this week she would roll just to either of her sides, sometimes going all the way over, most of the time not. i began to think that she didnt spend enough time on the floor and that she would never learn because maizie would rather have you hold her and cart her from place to place than have to learn to do it on her own. but this week she has surprised me. i had almost all of the week off from work so we could go camping with adam's family, and even though there were plenty of hands ready and willing to hold her, she was getting a lot of tummy time and now is really good at rolling over. she still prefers to be held like 95% of the time. maizie hasnt figured out that she can "travel" by rolling, which is something i am grateful for. she will get onto her tummy and turn around in a circle on her belly and then start to whine until someone rescues her. sometimes she will start to get her knees under her and try to scoot. i think it would work but her face keeps getting in the way and ground into the floor. along with the rolling over came a "u" shaped bald spot that goes around her head from temple to temple. i think we need to get lots of headbands and flowers for her.

here is a video adam recorded of maizie rolling over today:

maizie is now in a size 3 diaper and, incredibly, 9-12 month clothes!! but i think she has reached a bit of a plateau with her weight; she has been 17 1/2 pounds for a couple of weeks now.

she has learned how to give kisses! i love them. they are some of the sweetest kisses ever! maizie will put both of her hands on my cheeks or in my hair and pull me right in for a big wet one:

when she was first learning how to kiss she gave lots and lots of them, but now she is more stingy with them. i guess thats a good thing; i dont want her to kiss just anybody. she also gives hugs. and i love when i pick her up from daycare that i always get a huge squeeze from her.

maizie likes to flirt. i think this is why strangers feel like its ok to touch her...which it's not. most of all i think she likes to flirt with her dad. she will sit and stare at him and talk and try to get his attention. she works really hard to get him to look at her sometimes and she is patient, she wont give up until he smiles at her and talks for a bit.

maizie has started reaching. it's really cute to see her do it. sometimes she lunges for people, but other times she just stretches out her arms. i LOVE it! it's the best feeling when she is going for you, and then you get a hug to go with it.


  1. she is getting so big! thats awesome she rolls over! its cute she gives kisses and i like her hat in that photo!! the dresser looks awesome! you guys did a great job! =)

  2. it's the BEST when they learn to give kisses!!! I love that video. what a big girl!!! Her dresser is adorable! Good job! You guys are great parents!
