Monday, July 19, 2010


this morning was interesting. at some point during the night, maizie woke up wanting to eat. seeing that she cant manage to eat while laying down, i have to get into the rocking chair to feed her. i dont really remember getting up or getting to the chair, but i did. then somewhere along the line, i fell to sleep and maizie continued eating and then fell to sleep. the next thing i know, i feel her sliding over the side of my lap and onto the floor headfirst! on the way down, she managed to flip a little, so her forehead hit the ground. i scooped her up as fast as i could and realized that no, that is not her head that i was trying to comfort, but her bum. as soon as i had her right side up, i flipped on the lights and woke adam up. this was at about 4:15 or so. i was totally freaked out and trying to explain to my bleary-eyed husband what happened while trying to not cry, and to get maizie to not cry. my poor baby! she was sobbing, and any time we touched her head, she would cry harder. we eventually got her calmed down enough to nurse a little. while she was nursing, we were trying to decide if we should take her to the emergency room or not. by the time we finally decided to go, maizie was asleep. that kind of made me nervous because with head injuries that is not a good sign. she was also puking a bit more than what i think is normal for her...another bad sign.

we got to the hospital and they took us right back. i guess that is the benefit of a hospital in a very small town. they were very nice, and very fast. maizie was awake again and very flirty with the intake nurses. they weighed her, took her temperature (rectally; talk about adding insult to injury), and took us back into the room where we waited for the doctor. we didnt have to wait more than 10 minutes and the doctor was there. he did a quick exam looking in her eyes for both pupil dilation and tracking, and then checked her reflexes and had her stand for a little while. after that, he said that he didnt think there was anything wrong but to keep an eye on her and if she acted out of her normal attitude or if there was any swelling or bleeding from the nose or ears to bring her in right away. he also said that if we wanted a cat scan, he would order one, but that if it was his child that he wouldnt worry about it, especially since there is a really high chance to cause brain cancer on someone so young. so we opted to not get a scan and brought maizie home.

after we got home, we all slept until about 10. today maizie stayed home with adam while i went to work. she was normal and played and slept and ate, which makes me feel so much better and not so worried.

we told a few people what happened and they all told us their horror stories of when they dropped their babies. it makes me feel a little better knowing that i am not the only one, but still so bad because i feel like it could have been prevented somehow. i am just grateful that maizie is ok.


  1. :( Sad day!! But so funny how those things just happen when you are so tired and delirious...I once fell over while holding milo on my way to the rocking chair to nurse him, and i made him learn how to nurse laying down after that. it was so scary! i just like, passed out on the ground. Milo also had his first falling off the bed episode a couple weeks ago. it was a sad milestone but I guess it happens to all babies. Milo hits his head multiple times a day now..even on the tile. just gotta let it happen ya know? Toughens them right up! I love that you "comforted" her bum! hahaha you are so cute. Em, you are a great mom. Maizie is lucky to have you!

  2. Carson rolled out of a hotel room bed when he was 6 months old. Brooklyn rolled off of me onto the floor (from our higher than average bed) when she was a month old. Luckily she landed on a pillow. Still scary. I think I can safely say, all of our children have fallen of something in the first year (or maybe even first few months). You are definitely NOT alone.

  3. i am so glad that maizie is ok!
