Saturday, July 24, 2010

4 months

maizie turned 4 months old on last tuesday. just one day after her tumble off of my lap. she had a follow up/4 month checkup on wednesday. she has successfully beaten everybody her age at being tall and weighs in at 18.3 pounds. she is officially off the charts in both categories. the doctor kept saying that if she was shorter and weighed the same then he would worry but that she is perfectly proportioned. this makes me happy, as we dont want any disproportioned kids in our house ;)

maizie might be one of the happiest kids i have ever met! she always has a huge smile on her face that makes everyone she meets light up.

she has recently taken to pulling my earrings out of my ears. not just the dangling ones; studs too. thankfully it doesnt hurt and she hasnt ripped my earlobes. along with the pulling of earrings, maizie likes to claw people, specifically their faces. i am currently sporting a red streak down my cheek from a temper tantrum in the doctor's office.

i am currently trying to teach her what "soft" means. maizie can be a rough little kid. i dont think that she is aware of how strong she actually is, especially when she is pulling you in for a kiss.

maizie is starting to sleep in her bed...sort of. she will lay in there for a while and then cry to be out. we were going to have her in there all night last night but i couldnt do it. it made my heart ache to not have her with us. so this process is going to be a long one, and it will mostly be because of me.

maizie has found her toes! its awesome when we put socks on her. through out the day she pulls at the toes of the socks so they are barely staying on her feet.

she is starting to last a little longer at church. its nice to be able to stay and hear most of what is being said.

1 comment:

  1. awww maizie sounds so fun. I love the stage when they start playing with their toes and feet! It's the cutest when they put them in their mouth!!
    I'm struggling with the sleeping in the crib thing too..everynight that milo cries, I try for about 4 minutes to let him cry it out...cant do it!
