Tuesday, March 20, 2012

2 years!

i cannot believe that 2 years has already past since having maizie. she is a spunky, happy, adventurous, little girl. she talks, she sings, she dances, and loves to wear fluffy skirts.

she has had kind of a week of celebrating this milestone of a birthday. last friday we had a little thing with adams parents. saturday was a dinner with my parents. today (her actual birthday) adam took the day off so we could go to the carousel, and swimming. these are two of maizie's most favorite things.

at the carousel maizie was squealing and couldn't wait to get on. she picked out her horse before we were even through the gate. when we were getting off adam mentioned it was maizie's birthday. the woman running it asked if maizie wanted to go again, which obviously was a resounding "yes!" so she chose another horse to ride, and off they went. a couple of the employees wished her a happy birthday as she went round and round. after getting done with her second ride she wanted to go again. really, she probably would have stayed there until she rode every horse. we mentioned swimming, and like magic, she forgot all about the horses.

at the pool there is a water slide that is for kids. maizie loves it. she is pretty confident on it now, and went about 20 times. she also likes to stand under the whale tail which has spouts like a shower, and the pelican that dumps water every minute or so. she has also become brave enough to jump into the pool from the side, never mind the fact that she cant swim.

after the pool we went to safeway to get her a quick lunch before heading home for a nap. i found out that she does like chicken. it just has to be breaded and deep fried. she gnawed on a chicken strip until we got home, then took a nap.

i went in to get her from her nap and realized there was an awful funk in the room...hmmm, is that what i think it is? yes. yes it is. and it is on the comforter and the mattress cover. good luck getting that clean. moving on.

we played this afternoon, and let her watch too many videos. we took a family picture. then had dinner.  maizie had her first (3) croissants, and dessert was maizie's favorite, pumpkin pie.

fluffy skirts are a must
still loves blankets, and snuggling <3
loves boots, who can blame her?
likes to say big words
wants a bagpipe, piano, and guitar (in that particular order)
dances about 80% of her waking hours
magic number is three (3 stuffed dogs, 3 dollies to sleep with, you get the idea)
when she's not dancing she is singing (she hums and says she is "singing the bagpipe")
loves nursery rhymes
is pretty particular with toys (always plays with certain ones and gives you the others, and you must play)
loves to be pushed in the stroller