Sunday, June 27, 2010

3 months 7 days

ok i know i am a little late with this, but better late than never...right? maizie is over three months old!! i cant believe how the time has flown. maizie is getting so big already, she has definitely lost her newborn look. while i am happy that she is growing and thriving, it does make me sad that she didnt stay smaller a little longer. she is now over 16 pounds, more than double her birth weight. i thought we would be hitting that closer to six months.

maizie loves, loves, loves jumping! a friend of mine gave us a jumparoo, which is just like the jumping seats you can hang in the doorway but is on its own frame. she figured it out pretty quick. it makes noise when she jumps so she jumps more when she hears the songs it plays. there are also some spinning toys on there that she has gotten good at using:

she has gotten a little more coordinated with holding toys and getting them to her mouth. this is something that i am grateful for, and i am sure she is too, because she is teething so much. speaking of which, i am pretty sure that her chest is never dry because she drools so much. along with the drool has come bubbles. maizie figured out how to make spit bubbles. its pretty funny to watch her do. sometimes she gets a fairly big one and lets it sit on her tongue for a long time.

she is a very vocal baby and likes to talk back to you when you talk to her. she will also answer yes and no questions with uh huh and uh uh. adam thinks it's a coincidence but it happens too often to be a coincidence so i am sure she understands everything and is trying very hard to talk to us.

maizie is close to rolling over. she gets on one side or the other and then gets stuck. its pretty cute. she is also trying to scoot a little. she can get her knees under her so her butt is really high and her face is being ground into the floor as she pushes, but she is able to get around quite a bit like that.

as we were sitting at the dinner table on thursday night, maizie decided that she was hungry so she started pulling the place mat with my bowl on it towards her. i thought that she was just wanting to play with it, so i gave her the mat and kept the bowl. a few minutes later she had my bowl in her hands. that night, we decided to give her her first banana. she liked it well enough but wasnt too excited, so we got some applesauce which she seems to like better. today if i let too much time in between, spoonfuls she would cry.

with a little help, maizie can pull herself into a standing position. a couple of weeks ago, after changing her diaper, i was helping her stand and she actually "walked" up onto my leg. i put the quotes because had i not been holding her under her arms, it wouldnt have happened. but she was alternating her legs on her own and very deliberately. i couldnt believe it, so i set her down and tried it again and she did it again. i think we are in for an early walker.

maizie is becoming a pro at hair-pulling. she especially likes grabbing the hair at the back of my neck. and when shes really ticked off she likes to claw my face, so we keep her nails short. i feel sorry for anybody she gets in a fight with.

maizie is an awesome little girl with lots of smiles and plenty of spunk. i am excited to see her grow more and to see more of her personality.

1 comment:

  1. man! i love maizie already! She sounds super smart and really healthy! I love all the pictures you guys have been posting!
