Friday, March 26, 2010

Emily's Labor and Delivery Story Video

I'm guessing that pretty much everybody who reads this will already know Emily's labor and delivery story, but I thought it would be good to have the story told by Emily on video. So if you're interested, here you go:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


  1. that last video totally made me cry. i got to hold milo right away, so i would have just died if they didn't let me. but aaron had to hold him while i was being stitched up and it made me so jealous and sad. i honestly thought it took 3 hours til i held him again. im so sorry you didnt get to hold her at first!! but she is a doll..i love that we got some video of her. i love her!!! you are a good mama!

  2. I am Chris's wife Robin, he works with Adam at the school district. I wanted to tell you that from everything I have read you are an amazingly strong woman to have gone through all that you did! Your daughter is so beautiful and I am so happy that everything turned out well. Chris showed my the blog right when you were supposed to be due and I have prayed for you often. You have a beautiful family and enjoy every minute, as a mom of 3 I can tell you they go by all to fast.

    Robin Fournier
