Thursday, March 4, 2010

39 weeks 3 days

yesterday i went to my weekly appointment with the midwife and found out that my blood pressure was sky high!! so much so that they think i have pre-eclampsia...but i dont have the standard swelling that goes with it. so they drew some blood and gave me a bottle to collect my pee for 24 hours. they also got me in with a naturopath that has a special concoction for getting blood pressure down. i was also 1 ½ cm dilated and 75% effaced which they said was a really good sign, especially since i am a first time mommy. they also told me no more work! and to just lay around and watch movies, sweet deal! so today i thought would be a quiet day...not so much. i scheduled myself an acupuncture appointment because that can also help lower blood pressure, and then went straight from that appointment to the naturopath doctor who is an hour away from us. so i spent a lot of my day driving. then after that i went back to salem to drop my pee specimen off and go grocery shopping. so much for relaxing.

after i got home, desiree, one of the midwives that i see, called to let me know that they werent sure if they were going to induce me tomorrow because the lab that is supposed to have my blood work lost it. so they dont now if i really do have pre-eclampsia or if i was just super stressed out. if i dont have pre-eclampsia they dont want to induce me because it would be best to go into labor spontaneously. this is kind of lame because with the medicine that the doctor gave me there is a certain amount of time that we have before my blood pressure will go up again, so if they dont get the answers they need, it could all have been really pointless for me to drive the two hours round trip and get the iv of medicine. so the point of all of this is that i think salem hospital sucks a whole bunch right now. and i might have to go and get more blood drawn tonight at silverton hospital.

at this point as much as it would be best to go spontaneously i almost feel like lets just induce to be on the safe side and screw the rest of the results. on monday we will be 40 weeks and plenty of babies are born before even 39 weeks and they are fine. but that is probably me just being selfish. so my dear maizie i have an idea, we can just go spontaneously tonight and not have to worry about anything else. sound like a plan? i think so.

about an hour after i wrote this, angie called me to let me know that the problem with the blood samples was that salem labs didnt come pick them up even though they were told they needed to. so they went to get them about 6 o'clock tonight and hopefully we will have an answer about being induced by tomorrow morning.

update - 7:52 pm: i will be induced tomorrow morning at 9 am and will hopefully have maizie here either tomorrow night or saturday:)


  1. good luck with everything!! i will say a prayer that you have an awesome delivery!!! congrats! =)
