Monday, March 15, 2010

41 weeks and no end in sight

today we hit 41 weeks. we also got to have another bio-physical ultrasound and a slightly unproductive appointment with the midwife. we have been praying and trying to decide if we want to have my water broken because of the high blood pressure. adam and my dad also gave me a blessing. so far i have not come to a decision either way. both of our options, waiting for a spontaneous labor and inducing, have risks. it's trying to decide which is less risky that is the hard part. most of me says that waiting will be ok and things will go well. but then there is this really pesky tiny part of me that is panicking and even though it is a small part it has a very loud voice and trying to weigh my options without that panic taking over is really killing me. the other hard thing is that i was pretty sure that desiree wouldn't let me go this week without scheduling to induce. at the last appointment she was sure about it, but now she isn't. i am grateful for her listening to me and trying to help me have the birth that i want but i also feel that at this point i need someone to tell me what to do. i almost don't feel capable of making this decision.

on a lighter note, during the ultrasound today we got to see our beautiful baby girl. she was busy sticking her tongue out and licking her fingers and doing all these adorable things. the pictures weren't as good as last week's so we wont mess with putting them up.


  1. dang it! are stronger (and more organic) than me!! by 38 weeks i wanted that baby out out out!!
    dont will all work out. why are you scared of breaking your water?

  2. trust me its hard to stick to my guns about all natural! with the breaking of the water there is a chance that it might not send me into labor and i would eventually have to have a drug induced labor or potentially a c section, also there is a chance of cord prolapse which would lead to a more emergency way of delivering. but at some point i have to do something because of the blood pressure.
