Saturday, January 1, 2011


The year 2010 has come to an end. It was a very special year for us because it was the year that Maizie was born! She brings us so much joy and is such a great baby! :)

On the day of New Year's Eve, we thought it would be fun to go to the park and take Maizie down the slides and let her ride in the baby swing. When we got there, though, we discovered that the slides were wet and there weren't any baby swings. Sad! What else is sad is that we didn't really do anything else that day besides that; we just lounged around the house.

Once Maizie was asleep, we played a card game called cribbage. Emily won. Scott and Cody came by after 11:00. Scott saw my C# book, so we talked about programming for a while. Later on, Cody and I talked about how much common knowledge she and I lack since we didn't pay attention in school. The main thing we talked about was history. Scott and Emily both have much more common knowledge than Cody and I. The four of us ended up doing some history quizzes online, just for fun. We also had pumpkin pie, which Emily kindly made.

My New Year's resolution is to get my weight back down to 182 pounds, which is what it was at the beginning of my mission back in 2004. In order to get off to a good start, I waited until 11:59:50 PM, ran to the bathroom, and started urinating into toilet. By the time I was done, it was already the year 2011, which means that I was in the process of losing weight at the very beginning of the year. Awesome! When I was done in the bathroom, I went into our room and shared a New Year's kiss with Emily :) She was calming Maizie down, who was laying in her crib.

Scott and Cody left at around 1:00 AM. We went to bed shortly after that, but we stayed up for a little while using StumbleUpon. Here is one of the pictures that made us both laugh:

That's about it for New Year's Eve. As for New Year's Day (today), we woke up at about 8:00 because Maizie was ready to be up. Emily asked me to watch Maizie for 45 minutes so that she could sleep, so I fed her some puffs, baby food (pears), and string cheese. I had some pumpkin pie. After that, I let Maizie play for a while. When it was time, I had Emily take over while I laid in bed.

My nephew, Elijah, is homeschooled by my mom. He usually gets here on Wednesday and then goes back home on Saturday. Such was the case this week, so today was the day he went home. I was the one to take him home (I offered to so that I could set up his parents' wireless router). We left shortly after 11:00. He was really sad to go home.

I got back home shortly after 2:00. Emily and I just hung out for a while and then I got Maizie down for a nap. I hadn't intended to fall asleep myself, but that's what ended up happening. It felt nice to sleep! When Maizie and I got up, Emily was painting a footstool that she got from Scott and Cody a while back. She was painting it the same purple color as Maizie's dresser. After she was done with that, she made an awesome dinner! She described the dinner to me a few days ago and I wasn't sure if I would like it or not, but it ended up being very good! It was a salad with chicken, cranberries, almonds, an orange pepper, Mandarin oranges, and Asian sesame dressing. There was also pilaf rice on the side. Delicious!

After dinner, I did the dishes and Emily gave Maizie a bath and started rocking her. I ended up being the one to finish rocking her since Maizie seems to prefer me. I heard that baby's sometimes have trouble with their mothers rocking them to sleep because they associate their mothers with food and get distracted by that thought.

Once Maizie was down, we read Matthew 7 and watched some videos online. That about sums up our New Year's Day!

We're planning to move out of my parents' house sometime around May. We're not sure where we'll go, though. It will be interesting to see where the year 2011 takes us!

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