Thursday, March 24, 2011

1 year old!

maizie turned 1 on march 20, 2011! it truly is unbelievable to me how fast this year has gone. my baby is not so much a baby. she amazes everyday with the things that she can do, and how fast she learns something. she's one of the best things in my life, and i am so grateful to be her mom.

maizie has started trying to run. most the time it doesnt work very well.

she loves pointing at lights, and turning them on and off.

she says "nana" (banana).

her front teeth are finally breaking through! i thought this day would never happen.

she doesnt really care for cake.

maizie has her own sign language. instead of pointing to things she will look at them. ask where grandpa is, she will look in the kitchen...or wherever. she points and does other things with her hands that i just have to figure out.

she is starting to be softer with other least attempting. she pats them kind of hard while saying "oooh", so she is at least trying to be soft even if she doesnt know how yet.

maizie absolutely loves being in wind. when she feels the breeze she giggles and sticks her hands out to try to touch it.

adam felt that since maizie was turning 1 that she needed to taste a lemon. here is how that went:

we celebrated maizies birthday on saturday with some family and friends. i thought about trying to do it at a park so the kids could run around, but this early in the year in oregon is kind of dangerous to plan anything outside. so i reserved our church building because the gym would be big enough to let kids be crazy. i got playground balls and kid-sized bowling sets, taped out foursquare and hopscotch, and also got some mini lacrosse things to use. i also set up a table for coloring and making old school paper hats:

my mom made the cake and i got a ton of finger foods. the kids were running around and having a great time, when adam accidentally broke one of the big lights in the ceiling while kicking a ball. that was when we decided to have everyone eat, while we cleaned up the glass. maizie liked all of the food but her favorite by far was the strawberries. after that we sang happy birthday to her. she was sitting on my lap and enjoying everyone singing but as soon as they said her name she became very bashful. i also forgot to bring a lighter so we couldnt light her candle. with her cake we decided to put a giraffe and a couple of rubber ducks on it because maizies first favorite toy was a giraffe and she loves ducks:

here is what happened with the singing and the cake:

after that we opened presents. all of the presents were great for her, and we love them all.
it was a really fun day and we are so thankful that everyone could help us celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely loved this post. Happy birthday Maizie!! The videos were great. I've never seen a kid rock a highchair like that before! Lemon is NOT her flavor. hahaha. Milo makes the silliest faces but BEGS for more.
    I love the video of her eating the cake. She is like..hmm..this makes for great lotion! haha. Love her.
