Friday, January 15, 2010

Hiccups, Sneezing, and Palpitations

so we are now in the 8th month of our pregnancy. maizie is growing and growing and i feel like i cant stretch anymore! but i know i will, it just seems amazing to me that my skin can go any farther than it already has.

maizie is very active and sometimes keeps me up at night with all her moving. she has been getting the hiccups a lot lately and i always feel so bad for her; it cant be fun to have them when you are so confined. she has also been sneezing more often. the other night i was laying next to adam and everything was super still and maizie sneezed and my whole stomach shook. adam was so surprised! he asked if that was me and, i think, was stunned that it was maizie.

i love being able to have this experience! it is one of the best things ever, and so far everything has been good, but this week things have changed a little. on sunday we walked into church and sat down in sacrament meeting and my heart started pounding like i had just gotten done running, and then i started sweating and felt like i was going to die from the heat but my skin was cold. i kept thinking, "just take a deep breath, you are fine" but it wouldn't stop but by that time they were in the middle of passing the sacrament so i didnt want to get up during that and then possibly pass out in between the benches. so i waited. FINALLY they finished passing the sacrament and i could leave. as soon as adam and i got outside everything stopped. my heart stopped pounding, i felt cooler no more sweating, life was good. i didnt really know what to think about what had just happened. scary? yes. was i worried? yes. but if we went to the hospital nothing was happening anymore so what could they do? so i stayed at church through the second hour and then i had adam take me home. lets face it i wasnt really listening much at that point.

we got through monday just fine and i thought ok maybe it was just a fluke kind of thing right? no. tuesday, it happened again. the only difference is the heat and sweating lasted just about all day. i called my midwife, who ordered tests to be done the next day. they came back as 100% normal minus slight anemia, which is normal during pregnancy and easily fixed.

so thursday morning rolls around. i am getting ready for work. i was standing in the bathroom flat ironing my hair and my heart started pounding again. and again this time it was only for a few minutes, if that. so thinking that i should just go to work i got my stuff together and left but as i was driving i couldnt stop crying because i kept thinking, "what if we are missing something here? what if when i am in labor i start to really have problems and something happens that since we are not in a hospital cant be taken care of?" needless to say i didnt even get halfway to work before i had to pull over. i called adam and told him what had happened and i also called my midwife, patricia. she is awesome. she was completely calm and trying to calm me down. she obviously advised me to go to the emergency room if am that worried, but that most likely it was maizie just sitting on something causing my body to have this kind of response, because all of the tests were normal. to be on the safe side i decided it was best to go to urgent care.

i met adam at home and we left for keizer. when we got to the urgent care there was a little bit of a wait and i thought that we would be sitting for a while but as soon as i told them i was having heart issues i was taken back immediately and hooked up to a heart monitor and they did an ekg and blood tests and pee tests. again everything came back normal. BUT now i get to have my very own personal heart monitor for a month. i feel so old. the only time i dont have to wear it is in the shower. they are hoping that if i do have another "episode" that i will be able to capture it with the monitor and then they can have more of an idea of what is happening. the doctor also said that it is "possibly just the baby pressing on something." now if my body stays true to form i can expect to have and episode on saturday seeing that we have gone every other day this week having them. i hope that it doesnt happen again and that it really was maizie doing this, and not a serious issue.

1 comment:

  1. i remember my heart racing SO fast while pregnant...freaked me out!!! I went to the doctor a few times and he just told me that i needed to take slower deep breaths because i wasn't getting enough oxygen, therefore, making my heart beat faster! it's kind of scary! AND annoying. haha.. I also remember the sneezes...I found a video on youtube of a baby sneezing(its somewhere on my blog) but nobody believed me that i felt milo sneezing! im so glad someone else has experienced it! haha. WHERE are your updated prego pics miss thang?
