Sunday, September 19, 2010

6 months

at this point six months ago we were at the birth center just starting to have contractions. it's really weird to think back to that time. it feels like a lifetime ago and at the same time not. maizie has changed so much and is able to do so much it's crazy!! i miss how she was, but love who she is becoming. every day she makes me laugh, and every day she learns something new. this last month has been a crazy month for her. here are a few of the things she is doing now:

maizie was army crawling around labor day and by the end of that week was really crawling. still a little wobbly but she was getting it and now has it down.

along with the crawling she started pulling and pushing herself up on things. she has had a few bumps on the head so far, but nothing too terrible.

she is tough. when she gets hurt she sort of fusses for a minute and then wants to get back to whatever she was doing.

maizie is finally sitting on her own on the floor. for a while she would lay on her side and play with toys but yesterday she pushed herself up and sat playing with her toys. now thats all she wants to do.

she is teething like crazy. she has been teething since she was like 2 months old, but now there is some hope on the horizon. there are a few minuscule points breaking through her gums so i sincerely hope her teeth come in now.

maizie is getting used to sleeping in her own bed...sort of. we got her a crib because she was too big for the cradle and i didnt like leaving her in our bed by herself. she likes the crib but still wont sleep through the night in it.

she pulls this funny face a lot where she tucks her bottom lip in her mouth and just sucks on it:

maizie is a talker! she loves to join in conversations or just have someone listen to her. she has been saying "dada"...i'm not gonna lie it makes me jealous and we have had many coaching sessions trying to get her to say "mama" but she just looks at me like i am crazy. someday she will get it.

when she eats she almost always points her index finger, jams it into the tabletop, and wobbles her hand back and forth. it's almost like she is demanding something be put "right here".

1 comment:

  1. its soooo crazy how much she advanced in just that one month! go maizie jane! i wish i could see her so i could give her a huge hug!

    i miss you guys! <3
