Saturday, March 14, 2009

our new bed!!

we just got our first bed today:) for the last 4 months we have been sleeping on my old futon...lets just say a bed of nails might have been more comfortable. no matter how much extra padding was put on you could still feel the bars in your back, and if you tried to stretch out you would hit the arm rests on either end. (this was more of a problem for adam than for me) so i heard about a sale on the radio that i thought was just too good to pass up. i went and checked it out and the bed seemed ok, but then i read reviews. it was a 50/50 mix of "don't ever buy this" and "it's the best mattress we've ever owned", it left me feeling confused and a little frustrated. I was talking to my mom about the bed and she mentioned a place that is liquidating everything in their store here in town. so yesterday we went and checked out some of the beds. we found one that we liked and when we layed down on it almost instantly we both wanted to buy it. so we asked the normal questions and found out that they didn't have any more in stock, BUT if we wanted to buy the floor model then they would take more money off. since we like saving money this sounded ideal. so we took it! today we borrowed cody's truck and scott, adam, and i went to pick it up. everything went very smooth, especially getting it into the apartment and setting it up. which is very surreal seeing that nothing ever goes this smooth, not that i am complaining. i appreciate it, but it seems like there should've been a struggle somewhere in this. i mean they gave us an even better deal without us asking, and the box spring didn't go flying off on the way home, and it took only about 10 minutes to set it up. it's just too good to be true:) so here is a picture:

when we got on the bed for the first time we noticed how close the ceiling is and how different everything looks. the bed is at least 3 times higher than the futon. adam took a nap and i think this is the first time that he has not tossed and turned while he slept. we love it!


  1. Congratulations! You earned it after the futon experience. Nice deal on it ($$) makes it all the more comfortable, psychologically speaking.

  2. lol i know what you mean. when alvin and i finally got our bed there was some swearing while we put together the frame. and i know just what you mean, it feels like you could just reach up and touch the ceiling when you're laying down. it looks great, too!

  3. it looks very comfy...and a little sexy! bow chica bow wow..GET SOME!
