*she's a talker! its really nice because she is starting to tell us more of what she wants when she is crying, or why. ask her to say anything and she will attempt to say it. my favorites so far are:
- serisly (seriously)
- benny (gwyn, her cousin)
- cock (clock)
- some (she says this when she wants some of whatever we are eating)
- dood it (do it -- she says this when she wants to do whatever we are doing)
- poop
- emmy (emily)
- abum (adam)
- 'gain (again)
- dang it!
*she loves to go on walks, but mostly when she is being pushed in the taylor tot:
*she loves babies. has to have her baby doll when she sleeps, and when she is playing she pretends to feed it.
*she can point out letters when you ask her to.
*she loves to sing, and have music on. we have a whole list of songs we have to sing in the car.
*she has a hard time with new shoes. i have to force her to wear them the first time, and then she doesn't want to take them off.
*if you have bubbles, you're her best friend.
*she is starting to let me put her hair up. again i have to force her but then if it comes out she wants it fixed.
*she loves rocks. loves them. if there is a rock maizie will pick it up, especially at my parents house. they have an area with gravel in it and she loves to "wash" her hands in it.
*the shower, sprinkler, and anything that drops water is "raining".
*she points to things all the time and says what they are.
*absolutely loves ladybugs.
*she tries to dress herself. i usually end up having to do it.
*she likes to sit on her potty chair and say "poop", but then run into the other room to go in her diaper.
*she is kinder to marissa. (marissa is/was maizie's nemesis at daycare. now maizie will hug her after beating her up)
*when we ask her a question she doesn't know the answer to she puts her hands up in the "i don't know" gesture.
*she still loves to snuggle.
*tonight she said "i love you", it was the first time i heard it but adam says she has said it before.
*she loves being around other kids, and trying to do everything they do.
*her favorite yard toy is first a teeter totter, and then the sit and spin.
maizie is a pretty freaking awesome kid. she always has a smile for everyone. she runs to the defense of those she feels are wronged (mostly she yells, but thats a lot more than what some adults would do), and when she gets knocked down or her attempt at something fails she jumps right back up and tries again until it works.
she inspires me to be better. i have truly loved this last year and a half. happy 18 months, my l.t.b.g.