Thursday, January 20, 2011

10 months!!

wow. 10 months. maizie has started doing so much this month. it blows me away how fast she learns things.

maizie has started sharing. no, not toys. she shares her binky. thats right, straight from your mouth to hers. and if you turn your head to try to not take it, she turns you back towards her with her other hand and jams the binky in your mouth.

maizie has finally gotten that waving is for both hello and goodbye. it's really sweet to see her waving to everybody.

she climbs. it makes me crazy because she is not very aware of edges. and although she has fallen a few times, it doesnt stop her.

maizie absolutely adores books. we have started reading to her every night as part of her bedtime routine. she loves to point things out and listen to the animal noises, her favorite are the lion and the frog.

she knows how to quack, growl, click her tongue, say mama, dada, go, and hi. (i think some of those have been mentioned before, sorry)

she eats everything but baby food (unless it's fruit). i cant say that i blame her.

she likes to have us love her baby doll. she shoves it in your face a lot like when she shares her binky.

if you are holding her and not paying enough attention to her, she will turn your head to her and grin like crazy.

maizie is learning to defend herself. since she is at daycare, she picks up on things. and this i am not entirely proud of but glad she's not a pushover: she hits if someone takes her toy or something. i am really trying to work on getting her to be nice, but, until she can talk more, i dont know how well it will work.

maizie can walk! she is still wobbly, but she has it. sometimes when she gets too excited, she drops down and crawls since that is still faster.

1 comment:

  1. i love that she shares her binki with you! Maizie sounds like so much fun. I am seriously REALLY sad that we don't live close.
