Sunday, April 25, 2010

maizies blessing

today maizie is five weeks and one day old. she was blessed today. it was beautiful, and perfect. i have been thinking about today since i found out i was pregnant. it was almost like planning a wedding for me. ok not a wedding, but it was a big deal to me. growing up i remember going to blessings for members of my extended family and always there were a kajillion people there and tons and tons of food...or maybe i am remembering just about every other holiday and family get together. either way thats what i kept thinking about as i was planning this. it all went perfect, i think.

friday adam actually had a vaction day planned which worked out well seeing that we needed to get all the food and stuff for the lunch after the blessing. we went to get it at costco and while we were in town we stopped by my parents to get maizie's blessing dress. my mom made maizies blessing dress out of the leftover silk and crystals from my wedding dress. it's beautiful!

saturday i spent the morning holding maizie and trying to get her into a sound sleep. she wasnt having that. so she had to fuss a little while i started cooking all the food. we had brisket with veggies, pasta salad, deviled eggs, and little quiche squares that adams mom made. my mom also made a huge cake for dessert. it took all day to get everything done, especially having to take breaks to feed maizie. so saturday night was late for us, and maizie was incredibly fussy on top of it. poor baby. we have had to start giving her formula during the week for some of her feedings and its not really agreeing with her and she lets us know about it.

because maizie was so fussy on saturday i didnt have high hopes for her being in a really great mood today. i had visions of her screaming through the blessing finishing off with her cat cry and then having to leave because i couldnt comfort her. but she woke up this morning in really good spirits, and fell into a really deep sleep before we left. i didnt put her dress on until we got to the chapel so it wouldnt get too wrinkled before the blessing. she didnt even wake up for that and it took a while to get it on her. so then we sat and waited and i think the wait was an eternity for adam. i dont envy him. he normally doesnt get nervous but with this he was. i could actually see it in his face and attitude. finally it was time. adam, my dad, his dad, and his brother went to the front of the chapel and gave maizie her first blessing. it was very sweet and beautiful. maizie slept through it, much to my relief. after the sacrament meeting was over we left to go eat at home.

there were quite a few people here, and it got really loud! there were lots of little kids and chatting adults. much like when i was growing up. maizie slept through it all. my mom took a turn holding maizie around 2:00 and woke her up trying to adjust her dress that was bunched up around her armpits. that was when maizie decided it was time to eat. so i took her and changed her and fed her. we were able to get back out to the party fairly quickly.

i am so grateful for everyone who was able to come and celebrate and share in this day with us. we really enjoyed having everyone!

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