Wednesday, February 24, 2010

38 weeks

i had an appointment with the midwife today. we are 38 weeks and 2 days. everything is going great, and pretty much it's all up to maizie now. she is big enough and would be a healthy weight if she was born right now. to be honest, i am hoping that she will come this weekend. a couple of weeks ago, patricia, one of the midwives, told me she thought maizie was about 6 pounds. that was a couple of weeks ago, now i am guessing she is at least 7 pounds; most likely more. and that is why i would like her to be early, because i would like to not have a ginormous baby. i was 8 ½ pounds and adam was 9 and at least 5 oz and we were both late. which scares me because i would really like to not have a 10-pound baby...which i guess woudnt be the worst thing and there are women who have had worse but it doesnt appeal to me.

last night i had a dream that i was in las vegas hanging out with chelsea and we got a smoothie. i woke up totally needing a smoothie. so my plan was to go to jamba juice after my appointment with the midwife. so i go in and decide what i want. when i go to tell the girl my order she goes "are you going to pay with cash or were you going to use your card?" of course i'm going to use my card, who carries cash anymore? so then she says "i'm sorry our computers are all down right now so we can only take cash." oh how sad!!! you're telling a pregnant woman that she cant have what she really really needs! i almost cried, but choked it back and went to work. maybe next time i can get one.

do you know how hard it is to shave your legs when you are 38 weeks pregnant? i do. i also know that i am lucky to be able to get my pants on every morning without toppling over. and putting on socks has been out of the question for at least a month. just thought i'd share that thought with you.

this week maizie has found that she can put her feet on my ribs and her hands on my hips and press out really hard. fun for her, not me. when she first did it i thought i might pass out! it hurt and made it really hard to breathe. thankfully she doesnt do it that often. when i lay on my side she will stretch out on the bed too. i really like feeling her move but as she gets bigger it kind of hurts...a lot. sometimes i have to stop what i am doing until she is done doing what she is doing. guess i better get used to that.

lately we have gotten a ton of advice on how to naturally stimulate labor. like walking, castor oil, herbs...all kinds of things. the best advice came from my aunt leann. she told me that she tried everything to try and get her first two kids here early and in the end they were only 2 days early and she was more exhausted than she should have been. so moral of the story: just relax and let it happen when it happens. which is what i am going to try to do.

1 comment:

  1. geez. i hope you do not have a 10 pound baby...but if you sure she will be the cutest 10 pounder ever. but for your sake, without epidural, i hope she is 6 pounds. haha..
    I WISH you could be here to get a smoothe with me! screw that lady who wouldnt just give you one! hahah! What's funny is...every day for the last 2 months of my pregnancy, i had a smoothie. no joke. MISS YOU!!!
    have lots of sex...maybe that will help. sperm is supposed to loosen the membranes or some crap...lovely. But i will give you tmi and admit that i refused sex a month before i was due. i hated it.
