Saturday, January 23, 2010

so excited!!

today i went and made a baby registry at target and while i was there i found this: ok i couldnt leave without getting maizie something, and this was just too cute! i was also thinking about all of the stuff on the list that i was making and as much as i was trying to avoid scanning everything that was pink it was hard not to. so probably she will look like somebody dumped pepto-bismol all over her until she can decide what she wants. poor kid. i hope she likes pink. but then i saw this and i knew maizie had to have it...and it might be the only non-pink thing she gets...ever... but the entire time i was scanning things i kept thinking about how much fun it will be to have her here, and how awesome it will be to dress her and take her shopping and teach her the importance of shoes and purses and chunky accessories:) and by the way, only 47 days left, if she is on time that is.

1 comment:

  1. that outfit screams maizie! haha..I am excited that you only have 45 days! i can't believe it!!!! are you guys so stoked or what!? i am!!!
