Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I'm home sick today. I've been sick since around Saturday with a sore throat and cough. It's the same thing Emily had last week. Lame!

I'd like to talk about our first Easter being married so that I don't forget what we did. I have no idea what we did for Easter of 2008, so that just goes to show you that I'll forget it if I don't record it!

On the Friday before Easter (April 10th), we had Scott and Cody over to dye Easter eggs with us:

On Easter Sunday, I stayed home from church due to my sickness. Emily was still fairly sick, but she went anyway so she could teach her primary class. When she got home, we went to her parents' house, where we had a very nice Easter meal. The ham was amazing! After we ate, we sat around the table talking and then played Speed Scrabble using letters from a game called Changeling. The letters were nice because they were big. After a while, we left and went to Silverton to visit my parents. Towards the end of the drive, Emily talked with her sister, Rachel, on the phone for a little bit. When we got to my parents' house, we sat around upstairs talking. We later had cake, which was good, and we also played Speed Scrabble (using real Scrabble pieces this time).

That's about it for our Easter. I know it wasn't too thrilling to read about, but now it's written down and I can remember it! Mission accomplished.

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