Sunday, January 4, 2009

first blog post of 2009

it's finally 2009!! and by finally i mean holy crap it's 2009!! we had a fun christmas season and new year. we had a lot of snow days and i ended up having over a week off. if was nice to stay home and be domestic. i actually kind of like it. we were finally able to organize our spare room and find homes for the things we have. i never thought i would be excited by cleaning, and i guess i'm not such a freak that i am excited about cleaning, it's more the results that i like, the process sucks. how do you like that run on sentence?
last night we went to autumn and alvin's apartment for the first time. it was fun :) we got to see chloe for a little while before she had to go to bed. she is an awesome kid. cody and scott were also there. this was our new years celebration because we couldn't really do it on thursday. we had a white elephant gift exchange. we took home a HUGE tub of black licorice and this amazing light bulb:

on the way home we got a little lost trying to find our way back to the freeway. we found it after about ten or fifteen minutes...or maybe more, i don't know. so we start following the signs to "portland" and after not too long we saw a truck diving on our side of the high way in the wrong direction. kind of crazy. luckily he passed us without incident, we called 911. hopefully they caught him. but because we were caught up with the 911 operator we missed our exit and went into springfield. oops! we were able to get turned in the right direction and safely home to salem in just about two hours. (it normally takes about an hour)

...ok the end


  1. isn't being domestic fun? for, like, 5 minutes? we loved having you guys over! we still haven't done the dishes from the other night. luckily a chore fairy did some of them for us so we don't have to eat off paper towels (thank you again). alvin said he would do them today but then he also said that his classes started NEXT week. we'll see.

  2. Whoa, precarious situation with the truck! As for run-on sentences, I love them. Stream of consciousness writing doesn't stop for punctuation.
